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Topic: “writing”

One Semester Down

Well, one semester (pretty much) down. I have finals left this week, but all my assignments are turned in, and I’ll spend one day each studying for the remaining finals and taking them — one each Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. It’s a trifle odd how quickly the semester has flown by, and flown by it has. It hardly seems that it’s been four months since we moved here. On the other hand, in some ways, living in Oklahoma seems like a different life. Read on, intrepid explorer →

Busy as can be

It’s been almost months since I’ve written an update here – and for good reason: we’ve been busy! The latter half of the semester is usually heavier course-work than the beginning, and this semester is no exception. I was fairly well prepared for that, but a few other details have served to make things particularly interesting hereabouts, not least our good friends PJ and Katie’s baby boy Seth arriving on March 24. (He is adorable, for the record.) What with helping take care of their children then, and doing so a few times since as doctor trips and one ER visit have come up, we’ve had just a little more on our plate than usual. As a result, I got a bit behind on tackling papers for classes, and therefore spent the last week and a half scrambling to get caught back up so that none of the three papers due in a 72-hour span this weekend1 would slip through the cracks.

Ellie is just over ten and a half months old, and Read on, intrepid explorer →

Snow, Coffee, and Writing

This was a good week for varying weather here in North Carolina. Thursday and Friday were in the upper 50’s and I enjoyed taking a run even at 6pm after the sun went down in the cool-but-pleasant air. That would have been unpleasant in Oklahoma, courtesy of the wind. Here, it’s often breezy but not often windy—a distinction I increasingly appreciate. Then, yesterday it snowed. It didn’t snow a lot. Rather more accurately, not a lot stuck. I spent the morning working on taxes and a short paper for seminary and watching enormous fluffy white snowflakes tumble gently out of the skies. It seemed fitting to be studying Psalm 19 with its meditation on the heavens declaring the glory of God as I watched a white proclamation of glory drift by my window. Read on, intrepid explorer →

From North Carolina

I write from North Carolina. (I’ve done that on this blog once before, but not at any real length.) Out my back door is a forest, with deer that come to call on a regular basis. In front of our cozy little townhome is a nice long stretch of grass, on which the children of other seminary students run about and play when the weather is nice. Up a very steep hill from here is Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where I have been taking classes for two full weeks now. Read on, intrepid explorer →

Getting settled in…

We’ve been here almost two weeks; I’ve finished my first week of working part time and doing school part time. Next up? Getting back in the swing of writing. I’m hoping to jump back in tomorrow – get a real post here up, maybe knock out the rest of one I’m writing for Mere Orthodoxy, dip my toes back into the water at Ars Artis or Ardent Fidelity, and most definitely get back into working on the book I have coming out later this year.

What’s that you say? Keep your ears peeled. More news to come.