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Topic: “seminary”

One Semester Down

Well, one semester (pretty much) down. I have finals left this week, but all my assignments are turned in, and I’ll spend one day each studying for the remaining finals and taking them — one each Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. It’s a trifle odd how quickly the semester has flown by, and flown by it has. It hardly seems that it’s been four months since we moved here. On the other hand, in some ways, living in Oklahoma seems like a different life. Read on, intrepid explorer →

Growing Pains

As mentioned in my previous post, I’m generally loving life. I really like my classes, my work, and my wife and my baby. But I could easily paint a little too rosy a picture. While Wake Forest, North Carolina beats Norman, Oklahoma for scenery 7 out of 7 days in a week, and while I’m incredibly glad to be here, life is still life.

One of the things I’ve been learning recently is that, while I love Ellie, I don’t particularly love taking care of babies. Jaimie does. She spent 8 months or so working as a nanny just because she enjoys working with babies. (There are plenty of other things she’s qualified to do; she wanted to do that.) And at the end of a long day, when Ellie loses it being incredibly fussy—as she has done repeatedly the last few days—even Jaimie doesn’t love taking care of her anymore. Unsurprisingly, neither do I.

This is not, to be very clear, a complaint. Rather, it’s an observation on my own sinfulness. Read on, intrepid explorer →

Christmas Letter 2012

Dear friends and family,

This last year has been quite the adventure. A year ago, Jaimie was in her second trimester, I worked for Northrop Grumman, and we were planning on starting seminary in August. Today, Elayne Kaylee Krycho is almost 7 months old, I work for a wonderful little company called Quest Consultants, and we’re still in Norman, Oklahoma – but not for much longer!

Family picture 2012
Family picture! (Click for a big version.)

Read on, intrepid explorer →

A timeline update

I sat down to examine our finances about two weeks ago, and as I started considering where our savings accounts are at now, how much we’re putting away monthly, and how much we will be able to put away in the future, I started wondering whether August makes the most sense for us to start at SEBTS.

The short answer, on financial terms alone, is no. Read on, intrepid explorer →