Jaimie was writing about labor. It strikes me, though, that this sort of thing happens in lots of areas. Whether our words are encouraging or not can make a big difference for others.
Naturally, I set out asking many different woman about their experiences with labor, each time hoping to hear what I wanted to hear – that is, “You know, it does hurt, but in the end it’s not that bad, and you can do it!” Instead, I’ve discovered that woman seem to have some morbid need to describe their pain to me (ranging from “it feels like you’re being ripped apart from the inside” to the loud statement of a hyperbolic grimace) any time I mention that I’d like to give birth without any medication.
Yeah…not helpful.
I sat down to examine our finances about two weeks ago, and as I started considering where our savings accounts are at now, how much we’re putting away monthly, and how much we will be able to put away in the future, I started wondering whether August makes the most sense for us to start at SEBTS.
The short answer, on financial terms alone, is no. Read on, intrepid explorer →
I’ve been posting much less these past few weeks. Not a surprise; life gets busy, and I’ve been pretty tired.
So has Jaimie; she saw the doctor for a pregnancy test, got some bloodwork done, and found out she’s anemic from the pregnancy.
Combine that with an offhand comment by a coworker, and some pieces of my life snapped together. For a decade or so, I’ve had an incredibly hard time staying awake when I’m bored. It started in 8th grade, and has continued ever since. Boring class? Sleep. Boring sermon? Sleep. Boring workday? Struggling not to fall asleep. I was notably anemic back when I had mono – common enough, but possibly still true. Read on, intrepid explorer →
Baby girl has been kicking up a storm – enough to keep Jaimie from sleeping some nights. She’s also gotten what seems quite large, but apparently she’s about to kick off a growth spurt. Between now and the end of the pregnancy, she will triple or even quadruple in size. That’s frankly mind-blowing, as is most of pregnancy. There is, you know, a person growing in there. Read on, intrepid explorer →
Two days in a row, now, I have called Jaimie on my way home from work. A rough transcript of the beginning of each conversation:
“Hello, Jaimie Dawn.”
“Hi! *belch*“
“You burped!”
“Yes. *giggle* Are you coming home now?”
Two days in a row. I’m eagerly awaiting today’s conversation to see if it happens again. Read on, intrepid explorer →
I just felt baby girl kicking and moving around for the first time!
It is one of the coolest, strangest, most awesome, most mind-boggling things I have ever felt. There is a little person in there, growing – now big enough that when she moves and pushes or kicks against the womb, I can feel it. Read on, intrepid explorer →