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User Agent Detection Will Get You In Trouble

One of the joys of corporate IT policies is seeing how things break when you’re in an unusual configuration on the web. Like, say, running Firefox behind a corporate proxy that tells every site out there that you’re actually running IE7. This morning, I paused from other tasks to read an article on a well-known religious commentary website, and saw a message at the top alerting me that I’m using an out-of-date version of Internet Explorer (which I would be if I were running IE… but this is on a relatively up-to-date version of Firefox).

Bad enough that for whatever reason our corporate IT has taken to spoofing outgoing traffic this way when routing through their proxies. (One wonders just how much of the reported IE6 or IE7 traffic on the web comes from this sort of thing.) But the real problem is that the site I visited was broken. Horribly, horribly broken.

That message – “You’re using an outdated version of Internet Explorer” – told me why.

The site, it seems, is supplying different content to browsers with different user agents. I didn’t get the standard CSS file I should have, and the site was unusable. As in: almost completely. I managed to get through the article, but I won’t be back there anytime soon.

I’ve hit on this topic before, and while I came out of the ensuing conversation with a respect for back-end developers who are thinking through these issues, this right here – a real problem, out in the wild – highlights my concerns with the approach, even when carefully administered.

So, a plea for sanity: if you’re going to do server-side user-agent detection, fine. I was persuaded by the the discussion that followed that post that there really is a time and place for that sort of thing. But we need to be extremely careful in where and how we rely on user agent-detection to make decisions about the content we supply to users.

We should never – not ever! – actively punish a user for having an out-of-date browser. If you don’t want to actively support it, that’s one thing. Don’t write IE6- or IE7-specific stylesheets. But for goodness’ sake, don’t stop supply the regular stylesheet! Don’t give me completely unstyled content just because you think my browser is out of date. However good user-agent detection gets, it will never be perfectly reliable, and you do no one any good by penalizing them for browser decisions that are often beyond their control.

This is one reason responsive layouts are, in my view, far better than forced redirects to mobile versions of sites based on user agent. (If you want users to be able to opt out of a responsive reflow, you can still do that: give them a link that sets a cookie that tells the browser to load a non-responsive stylesheet and call it a day.) But in that case, the user still gets the content. Even if I am using IE7, I still get all the images, some semblance of layout that is actually readable, and so forth. When you withhold content on the basis of user agent-detection, you’re relying on a guess, however generally reliable, that could prove to be very wrong.

So think about which elements you ought to be applying those decisions to. Here’s a hint: stylesheets generally aren’t one of them. (If you do make a decision to present reduced stylesheets, it should be for mobile-only, and users should always be able to opt out of it.) Server-side responsive decisions make sense for things like images or video, where compression might be sensible, but not for layout or restricting access to content.

All of that is basically a long way of saying: please remember the importance of graceful degradation when you’re making decisions about responsive web development, especially if you’re doing anything server side. (It’s also a demonstration of why I vastly prefer a progressive enhancement approach over a graceful degradation approach, but that’s a post for another day.) And never, ever, actively penalize your users for their choice in browser.

Pipe up!

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