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Topic: “public policy”

A note on defeating piracy

The following is adapted and expanded from some comments I left on Cranach: The Blog of Veith‘s post on Wikipedia going dark yesterday.

As many others have pointed out, there are many better solutions to piracy than those proposed by PIPA and SOPA. One of these solutions is to address the root issues of much of the piracy that goes on: the absolutely backwards systems that the content-publishers themselves have created, systems that inconvenience only the people who actually care about copyright. Read on, intrepid explorer →

The problems with SOPA and PIPA

The following is adapted and expanded from some comments I left on Dr. Gene Veith’s post on Wikipedia going dark today.

Congress is considering two acts – the House’s Stop Online Piracy Act and the Senate’s Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) – which have as their stated goals the elimination of online piracy. This is a notable goal, and one I can get behind. The problem is, these acts do far more than just stop online piracy. Read on, intrepid explorer →