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Topic: “Eclipse”

Just a quick note to the world: beware of leftover makefiles if you restructure a project in Eclipse CDT. Eclipse will happily create new makefiles with the appropriate information in them when you restructure you code – if, for example, you move source and header files into their own directories instead of being in one big blob at the root – but it won’t delete the old ones. As a result, you’re likely to see that ever-so-informative make: *** No rule to make target `calcVCE.o', needed by `cplus2.exe'. Stop. message that make generates when it’s looking for a file it can’t find. The old makefile is still hanging around, and Eclipse happily tries to run make against it. The easy solution is just to delete all your old makefiles when restructuring code and let Eclipse CDT rebuild them for you from scratch.

Eclipse Indigo, Subversive, and Connectors

This is apparently a pretty common issue, so I thought I’d write up the solution to it. When using the suggested method of installing Subversive – one of two standard SVN client plugins for Eclipse, the other being Subclipse – the installation may fail (as it did for me). The Eclipse error messages for the failure aren’t incredibly informative, but I managed to figure out the issue, so here it is: Read on, intrepid explorer →