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Python—homebrew, virtualenv, and OS X Framework builds

A few weeks ago, I accidentally clobbered my Python 3 installation on OS X. I had gotten pretty much everything set up again—or so I thought. To my chagrin, as I got working on a GUI development project this afternoon, I ended up working on getting Python virtual environments to play nicely with OS X’s special Framework version of Python. (The fact that I’m using the homebrew version of Python complicates things even more.)

Moreover, this is not specific to wxPython: the same issues will crop up with any GUI development setup using Python. Since this was an inordinately painful process, and one I’ve gone through before, I resolved to write up what I did to get it working, so that I can avoid going through this painful process of exploration, Googling, and face-palming in the future.

Gladly, the solution is pretty simple, albeit a little ugly.

I already had virtualenvwrapper installed, but if you don’t, you can install it easily enough. (Note: use your primary system Python—the one you execute by typing python and nothing else. Things get confused and messy with virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper if you don’t.)

$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
$ source /usr/local/bin/

To install Python 3, I ran the following command, using Homebrew to get a Framework build of Python 3 on my system:

$ brew install python3 --framework

Note that the command to install a Python 2 framework is the same other than the name of the brew (python versus python3).

Once you have virtualenvwrapper and a Framework Python installed, you can go ahead and create a virtual environment to use:

$ mkvirtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3 my_virtual_env

Now things get a little funky. For reasons that are not yet entirely clear to me, the virtualenv tool (around which virtualenvwrapper and its corresponding mkvirtualenv call wrap) creates a non-Framework version of Python, even when you give it the path to a Framework Python.1 This is, to say the least, frustrating. However, there is a workaround: simply copy the executable you want to use over the one created in the virtual environment.

You may want to make a backup of the original first—I did.

$ cp ~/.virtualenvs/my_virtual_env/python3.3 ~/.virtual_envs/my_virtual_env/python3.3-backup
$ cp /usr/local/bin/python3 ~/.virtualenvs/my_virtual_env/bin

That should do the trick. Obviously you’ll still need to install wxPython (or whatever else) in the correct site packages directory. In my case, that simply involved one more step:

$ cp -r ~/Downloads/wx/* ~/.virtualenvs/my_virtual_env/lib/python3.3/site-packages


To summarize, here is the full installation process on OS X:

  1. Install virtualenvwrapper if you don’t already have it
    $ pip install virtualenvwrapper
    $ source /usr/local/bin/
  2. Install a Framework version of Python(3)
    $ brew install python3 --framework
  3. Create and then fix the virtual environment:
    $ mkvirtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.3 my_virtual_env
    $ cp ~/.virtualenvs/my_virtual_env/python3.3 ~/.virtual_envs/my_virtual_env/python3.3-backup
    $ cp /usr/local/bin/python3 ~/.virtualenvs/my_virtual_env/bin

  1. I’m hoping to spend some time in November seeing if I can figure out why virtualenv does not create the right kind of Python executable. If I get that figured out, I will (1) post my findings here and (2) see if I can’t get a patch in to remove this pain point for others in the future. 


  • Sebastian thought to say:

    Hi Chris,

    can I ask why are installing the homebrew version of python at all. In my experience, what works very well is to install the Framework version from the DMG on python org, then setup your virtualenv with the –python= option. Fast and easy… no?

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    • Sebastian, you’re right—that way does work just fine, and it’s probably the way I would recommend to most folks. I like using homebrew in part because it allows me to keep everything up to date much more easily: getting the latest version of even Python is just as simple as running brew update and brew upgrade. (I just upgraded my gfortran install automatically that way, for example.)

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  • Chris thought to say:

    Thanks for posting. I was having trouble with this. There are some workarounds that involve bash scripts which will call the framework python rather than the python executable in the virtualenv directory. I prefer this method because it eliminates some potential confusion you may run into if things suddenly stop working despite the fact that your virtualenv is completely unchanged.

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    • My pleasure. However, fair warning: I just discovered that if you do exactly this, pip will install things into your normal site-packages directory when running inside the virtualenv. I’m searching for a way around this now (I believe there is one; I just need to figure out what it is).

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    • Josh, another bit of follow-up. As noted in my previous comment, things get weird regarding site-packages if you follow the steps I outlined above. The right way to do this is (partially) documented in the virtualenv docs. I’ll actually be updating the post above sometime in the next week to reflect this. The short version is, you should use a custom call to the script for launching your program, and run that with the non-virtualenv-Python. It loads the packages installed in the virtual environment, but runs everything with the system (or Homebrew, or Macports, etc.) Python.

      In my case, I created a helper script for my executable which includes the lines documented in the link above before executing the main program.

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