This version of the site is now archived. See the next iteration at
Published during: January 2012

A few people have let me know that they would like to get all of my feeds – not having to subscribe separately to each blog. Gladly for you, I thought of this eventuality; you can use the subscription links at the bottom of the main page – then you will get a combined feed of all of my blogs in one.

I hope at some point in the future to set up a system that lets you subscribe easily to whichever of the feeds you like – at the moment I only have individual feeds for the sites or a globally unified feed. Eventually, I want to set up the feed subscriptions so that you can just check a box for the blogs you want to follow, which will then deliver those as a single combined feed for your convenience. Alas, I’m pretty well swamped at the moment, so it’ll be a while before I get there.

I’m pleasantly surprised: sitting at a coffee shop working, and of the 7 notebooks in here, only mine is a Mac. It’s a little strange, though…

About to start implementing my first CMS. Database is ready, now just (just!) have to do the front end.

Keyboard quality matters

I spent much of the day today working on a slightly older model HP Compac laptop.

To be as plain as I can: the keyboard was utterly atrocious. To say the keys are mushy is an understatement. To say the designers lacked a sense of aesthetic pleasure would only be slightly less obvious than to say that they had no concept of the value of ergonomics. Read on, intrepid explorer →

Version 3.0

This is, Version 3.0. I’m a little sad that I deleted Version 1, because seeing how far my sense of design has come over time would be worth it, the inevitable laughter notwithstanding. You can see the (much less dynamic) version 2 here. The amount I’ve learned about web design and development in the last year alone amazes me; I can’t wait to see how much better I can do a year from now. Read on, intrepid explorer →