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Published during: February 2012

Death to vendor prefixes!

In the last few years, there has been an explosion of development in the HTML and CSS specs, much of it driven by browser innovation. As early as 2007, Apple began pushing out vendor-specific prefixes to support CSS properties not yet in the open specification. Other browser developers have followed suit, so that there are now each of -o (Opera), -ms (IE9+), -moz (Mozilla/Gecko rendering engine), and -webkit (Safari and Chrome). Read on, intrepid explorer →

Introducing: Ligatures-plus.js

A few months ago I ran across Chip Cullen’s absolutely fantastic ligatures.js – a very simple jQuery function that manually replaces character pairs or triplets with their corresponding unicode ligature. There was just one problem: to use the function, you had to manually test each of the characters you wanted to use against the target font. This is potentially a lot of work, especially if you have multiple custom fonts on your page. Read on, intrepid explorer →

I finally gave up on my work laptop’s default keyboard and brought my low-profile Apple keyboard from home. So much happier this way. Seriously: I can’t even type correctly on the HP Compaq keyboard, the response is so mushy. I end up capitalizing the second letter of each capitalized word almost without exception. This is simply not a problem on any quality keyboard. If you want to know the differences between a cheap laptop and a good laptop, this is one of the big ones. Right up there with trackpad quality (and size!), and whether the edged of computer attempt to kill you by slitting your wrists. Ugh.