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Topic: “beauty”

Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, Vol. VI

A few weeks ago, I finished up Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, Vol. VI, which includes The Club of Queer Trades, The Napoleon of Notting Hill, an early and unfinished manuscript of The Ball and the Cross, and The Man Who Was Thursday.

The four novels could hardly be more different in terms of content, but they each bear the distinctly Chestertonian stamps of wit, social commentary, and religious reflection. But more on that after an overview of the wild variations this collection contains. Read on, intrepid explorer →

The Book of the Dun Cow

Good and evil, long at war; the feeble things of this world chosen to confound the great and the foolish to confound the wise; God in his heaven and the great enemy coming against his creatures; the horrid lure of sin and the beautiful agony of faithfulness; the sorrow of loneliness and the sweet ache of love; the agonizing distance of God in trouble and his provision of bewildering aid – these all writ large in the lives of simple animals. This is The Book of the Dun Cow. Read on, intrepid explorer →