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Many of us are aware of how religion easily becomes a work, through legalistic observance of rules and rituals, but sometimes we forget that relationship can fall into the same traps. While the legalist chases adherence to the rules, the relationist chases the next feel-good moment. In this sense, relationship can become just another type of salvation by works among pietistic people who go from one passionate mountaintop experience to another, only to sour on God when he doesn’t deliver according to the bargain they had struck.

—Stephen Lutz, College Ministry in a Post-Christian Culture


  • Abi thought to say:

    Thanks for posting this. I totally understand what that can be like and am so grateful to God for bringing me out of that and showing me that his refining process is so much more than just a bunch of emotional highs. There are times when that refining process is a bunch of grinding away and deep cleanings. And that can be a painful experience to our pride. But the glory it brings to God is so worth it.

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  • Great quote! That sounds just like how I functioned in middle and high school. I didn’t usually “sour on God” – it just threw me into confusion about who he was. I felt like I didn’t know him or understand my own faith at all when I wasn’t on a mountaintop. That was not fun at all!

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