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Published during: January 2012

In Paul’s radically different viewpoint I saw an almost unbelievable indictment of Western Christianity… How many Christians do you know who could say, “The lifestyle I have chosen as a Christian would be utterly foolish and pitiable if there is no resurrection”?

—John Piper, Desiring God

Partakers of the divine nature

I’m preparing for tomorrow night’s Bible study, and ran smack dab into this incredibly powerful phrase. I have quoted the phrase in context – where, frankly, I think it’s even more amazing than it would be standing alone – and bolded it so you’ll see what amazes me:

Read on, intrepid explorer →

In addition to posting reviews of Christian books, it is my intent to post a review or response of every book that I read for the first time henceforth. As I noted in my launch post, I think it will be helpful to me in processing the contents of the books I read.

One consequence of this will be my reviewing a great number of books that are not explicitly Christian. I think these may actually prove to be the more interesting reviews and responses in some ways, as they will afford an opportunity to think more critically and synthetically about the world. It is an unfortunate reality that most (modern) Christian books are not nearly as penetratingly engaging with the world as they should be, and so I often find that the books that challenge me most to think Christianly about the world are, while not usually opposed to Christianity, also often rather disinterested in it.

In any case, I look forward to seeing what I learn from reviewing non-theological books from an explicitly (and, hopefully, robustly) theological framework. I expect the first such volume I respond to to be Thomas Friedman’s The World is Flat, which I hope to finish within the next week or so.

God’s ultimate goal, according to Paul, is not redemption, righteousness or sanctification. He grants these saving gifts to his people so that they will exult in him and praise his name.

—Thomas Schreiner, Paul, Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ

Don’t call it a soft launch…

…even if that’s what this is

As I launch a new theology blog, I thought it might be helpful to outline (for myself as well as my at least initially few readers) my approach here. I aim to write broadly, addressing a wide number of topics here, but they will always be viewed through the lens of the glory of God in Christ – a phrase from Thomas Schreiner I am increasingly fond of. Read on, intrepid explorer →